Traditional controllers were an essential part of web API development in .NET for many years.
However, their verbosity and reliance on attributes often resulted in implementations filled with boilerplate code. As applications grew more complex, controllers frequently became bloated and increasingly difficult to manage.
To address these issues, developers created third-party libraries to enhance endpoint organization and replace traditional controllers. This led to the development of the REPR Pattern and the ApiEndpoints library, created by Steve Smith (Ardalis).
While ApiEndpoints retained the underlying controller architecture, they provided modularity by separating endpoints into individual classes.
FastEndpoints takes a different approach, while they follow the REPR Pattern, they are built around Minimal APIs instead of traditional controllers.
FastEndpoints is an open-source library for .NET Web APIs aiming to replace controllers and minimal APIs.
Performance is on par with Minimal APIs and does noticeably better than controllers in synthetic benchmarks. Problem with Minimal APIs is that they lack endpoint organization which is why FastEndpoints are a compeling alternative.
FastEndpoints follow REPR Design Pattern which makes working with endpoints convenient & maintainable with virtually no boilerplate.
REPR Pattern emphasizes organizing APIs around individual endpoints rather than grouping logic into centralized controllers.
Each endpoint is implemented as its own class, promoting a single responsibility principle. By designing around endpoints, the API becomes easier to locate, navigate and modify, as each class corresponds directly to a single route.
FastEndpoints are also feature rich providing:
- Auto discovery & registration of endpoints
- API versioning
- Constructor & property injection of endpoint dependencies
- Supports swagger, serilog etc.
- Model validation with FluentValidation rules
Getting Started with FastEndpoints
To get started with FastEndpoints, you need to install the NuGet package. You can do this via the NuGet Package Manager or by running the following command in the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package FastEndpoints
To start using FastEndpoints, you’ll need to add it to your dependency injection setup:
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
AddFastEndpoints method discovers and registers FastEndpoints in the application's dependency injection container.
UseFastEndpoints method integrates FastEndpoints into the HTTP request pipeline, mapping them to the ASP.NET Core middleware pipeline.
Basic Usage
To define your endpoints, in FastEndpoints there are 4 different endpoint base types you can inherit from depending on your use case:
- Endpoint<TRequest, TResponse> - Use when you have both request and response DTOs.
- Endpoint<TRequest> - Use when you have only a request DTO.
- EndpointWithoutRequest<TResponse> - Use this when a request DTO is not required, but a response DTO is needed.
- EndpointWithoutRequest - Use this when neither a request DTO nor a response DTO is needed.
public sealed class CreateEndpoint : Endpoint<CreateRequest, Guid> { ... }
public sealed class DeleteEndpoint : EndpointWithoutRequest { ... }
public sealed class GetAllEndpoint : EndpointWithoutRequest<IEnumerable<ProductResponse>> { ... }
public sealed class UpdateEndpoint : Endpoint<UpdateRequest> { ... }
For full control you can avoid base classes and implement IEndpoint interface directly.
Configure method is used to set up the configuration for an endpoint, including its HTTP verb, route, authentication and other behaviors.
- Verb method defines the HTTP verb (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) that the endpoint should respond to.
- Routes method can define one or more routes for endpoint.
- Endpoints are secure by default. You'd have to explicitly call AllowAnonymous method in the configuration if unauthenticated access is to be allowed to a particular endpoint.
Here is an example of methods you may need to utilize:
public override void Configure()
Handling Responses
FastEndpoints support multiple approaches as well when it comes to responses.
- You can directly assign the Response property of the endpoint.
- You can utilize TypedResults. From .NET 7 you can conditionally return one of multiple results.
- FastEndpoints provide multiple response sending methods.
Without further ado, let's dive into the implementation examples:
public sealed record CreateRequest(string Name, string Description, decimal Price);
public sealed class CreateEndpoint(ISender sender) : Endpoint<CreateRequest, Guid>
public override void Configure()
public override async Task HandleAsync(CreateRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var command = request.Adapt<CreateProductCommand>();
var response = await sender.Send(command, cancellationToken);
if (response.IsSuccess)
await SendOkAsync(response.Value, cancellationToken);
await SendErrorsAsync((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, cancellationToken);
public sealed class DeleteEndpoint(ISender sender) : EndpointWithoutRequest
public override void Configure()
public override async Task HandleAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var id = Route<Guid>("id");
var command = new DeleteProductCommand(id);
var result = await sender.Send(command, cancellationToken);
if (result.IsNotFound())
await SendNotFoundAsync(cancellationToken);
await SendNoContentAsync(cancellationToken);
In these examples, I have used FastEndpoints methods to return results.
Note that to retrieve a value from the route, we use the Route<T> method, specifying the parameter name.
For the create endpoint, we used Endpoint<TRequest, TResponse> to define the request and response types.
On the other hand, the delete endpoint doesn’t require a request or response. It simply deletes a product if one exists, which is why we used EndpointWithoutRequest.
To download the complete solution with full CRUD functionality, refer to the Conclusion section.
Each endpoint is versioned independently and ultimately grouped into a Swagger document.
To enable versioning simply specify one of the versioning options during startup to activate versioning.
app.UseFastEndpoints(c =>
c.Versioning.Prefix = "v";
When it's time for an endpoint to change, simply leave the existing endpoint and create a brand-new endpoint class and call the Version method to indicate its version.
public class CreateEndpointV2 : Endpoint<Request, Response>
public override void Configure()
FastEndpoints is a modern, efficient alternative to traditional controllers and Minimal APIs in .NET.
Its adherence to the REPR pattern ensures maintainable and modular development with minimal boilerplate, while its performance and feature set makes it a strong contender for replacing traditional approaches in web API design.
Feel free to check out the project on GitHub and give it a star: FastEndpoints Github
If you want to check out examples I created, you can find the source code here:
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