Wolverine is interesting and powerful library that bridges the gap between in-process and distributed messaging in .NET applications.
Whether you're building a small application or a large enterprise system, Quartz.NET provides the tools you need to efficiently manage background processes and ensure your application runs smoothly.
Introducing architectural tests is an effective way to enforce rules and prevent violations, reducing the risk of technical debt.
HttpClient is a powerful tool, but it can be easily mismanaged, leading to potential issues. Fortunately, there is an effective solution for managing the lifecycle of HttpClient instances.
Building resilient applications means handling failures gracefully to ensure they continue functioning smoothly despite errors or unexpected behavior.
With MassTransit, implementing various messaging patterns is straightforward. Integration with message transports like RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus and other is easy.
API versioning allows you to manage multiple versions of an API, enabling you to introduce new features and improvements without affecting current clients.
If you're using EF Core and appreciate its features, consider taking advantage of interceptors. Learn how to implement soft delete and audit with interceptors.